Monday, October 27, 2008

Fat Loss

Fat Loss

Some people used the term "weight loss" while others call it "fat loss" whilst many use the terms weight loss and fat loss interchangeably. Do they mean the same thing? To many people, they do mean the same thing. But the terms may be entirely different in meaning. You must know the difference if you want to lose weight or lose fat effectively and healthily.

When you step onto your bathroom scale every morning, what you will be reading from the scale is weight loss and not fat loss. Bath room scales are never accurate in determining fat loss.

Why? Because it measures your overall weight and not your body fat per se. If you weigh yourself in the morning before breakfast after your bowel movement, you will probably get your lowest reading of the day because your body is dehydrated through hours of non fluid replenishment when you were sleeping and after emptying your bowels, more water and wastes are flushed away so much so that you are you are lighter. After a night of sleep and not eating anything, your carbohydrate store is running low and therefore you are even lighter without the stored carbohydrate known as glycogen. What happened then? You just loss weight not loss fat! Your body fat is still there while the weight of other substances such as glycogen, wastes, water etc are depleted.

Now go weigh yourself again after dinner when you are fully replenished through meals and consumption of water and it may surprised you that you may probably weigh 2kg or more heavier and that is at least 4.4 pounds! You just gained weight and may even gained fat! Now you can see that it is such a misnomer when people think weight loss and fat loss are the same thing.

Why must you know the difference? Because for most of us, especially those who are on the fat side want to lose fat and not necessarily want to lose weight. Getting the drift?

Now for the more important part. Mere weight loss may cause you to lose muscle and in turn, make you gain body fat later. Yes, it is ironical. That is because the more muscle mass you have, the more you burn fat efficiently because muscle is an active tissue and it requires calories to function. Body fat just sit there doing nothing and thus do not burn calories on its own. So the less muscle mass you have, the less calories your body will burn. The fewer calories your body burn, the more calories ended up being stored as body fat! Therefore it is important to lose fat but not merely lose weight which may include the loss of muscle tissues.

How is it that a person may lose muscle on a weight loss program? Well for starters, we commonly hear about people going on this diet and that diet. Most diets demand a severe restriction of food or calorie intake. Your body will then signal to your mind that you are in a starvation mode and the body is designed to store fat for the impending famine and will use up your muscle for energy in your daily activities.

Some diets advocate a severe cut in carbohydrate. Carbohydrate is your body's first source of energy. When your body is depleted of carbohydrate, it turns to your protein (muscles) and body fat indiscriminately for energy. Now to make matters worse, because of the restricted carbohydrate consumed, there will be fewer carbohydrate calories to be used as energy calories and that again will signal the onset of starvation mode again. The vicious cycle of your body cannibalizing its own muscle is set in motion again. The same applies to people on slimming pills or salon fat loss programs.

So some people say ok, Chris, I see your point, so I will just do plenty of cardio exercises to lose weight. Another grave mistake. Have you ever wondered why marathon runners, those who run many kilometers often and are doing cardio exercises almost everyday are so skinny with no muscle tone? Because your body is a wonderful machine. It is designed to adapt. When you run or skip or swim long enough, it will say, look, I better get lighter so that I can take the stress better and improve the endurance. Guess what? Your muscles are heavier than fats and what will your body shed more when it wants to get lighter? Muscle or fat? Your body will shed both but more muscles than fats.

Anyway, why would you want to lose weight only to become a smaller you with the same body shape without any muscle tone? Why would you want to be on a weight loss program that eats your muscles and lower your fat burning rate so much so that when you are off the program, the fats come piling back on again?

Therefore, while you are on a lose weight program, you must also be on a build muscle program. That will mean a combination of correct dietary habit, cardio exercises and weightlifting exercises to maintain muscle preservation and a fat loss result.

From now on tell people you are on a fat loss program and not a weight loss program. That you are on a correct eating habit instead of just simply dieting.

With the distinction clearly in mind, you will then know how to lose fat effectively, preserve and grow your muscles and at the same time losing weight on your bathroom scale. That would be an ideal way to achieve your weight loss objective because you will lose body fat instead of muscle and mere body wastes.

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Fat Loss

Fat Loss

Fat Loss

Asking, "Aren't all workouts a fat loss workout routine?" may seem a stupid. But you would be shocked to discover how many exercisers have the intention of burning fat with exercise by are NOT doing a workout designed for fat loss. And while any type of exercise is better than no exercise as far as burning fat is concerned, all fat loss workout routines are not created equal.

How many of you done a workout program with the intention of losing fat and really fat the results you wanted? Even when you do the workout as instructed, a lot of exercisers don't get the fat loss results they were looking for. So, if your goal is to lose fat, you need to make sure the fat loss workout routine really is designed to eliminate fat.

Your obvious next question might be, "Well, then what is the best fat loss workout routine?" And I'm going to be honest with you. There isn't a single, all-purpose fat loss workout routine that works equally well for everyone. But the good news is, there are specific workouts designed to burn fat that are very effective. You just need to find the fat loss workout routine right for your goals, needs and personality and get busy completing the workouts as directed.

The first thing you need to do is look for a fat loss workout routine you will actually perform as instructed. You only get the fat loss results if you stick with the fat loss workout long enough for it to work. And you will only stick with the program long enough if it is something you like doing.

Don't expect miracles. A good fat loss workout routine and healthy diet should burn about 2 pounds of fat a week. (Although there are fat loss workout routines that burn off more fat than that safely.) So, choose your fat loss workout routine wisely.

Look for a workout routine that you like, keeps you interested and one that you have all the equipment to perform the workout as instructed. If you hate running... don't pick a fat loss workout routine that focuses on running! If you only have 30 minutes a day to work out... don't choose a workout that requires 2 hours in the gym every day.

Things to look for when choosing a fat loss workout routine...

- The workout should be a combination of resistance training and energy system training (commonly known as "cardio"). Aerobic only fat loss workout routines may work over the long term... but unless you want to be a Marathon runner a combination of weight training and "cardio" is best.

- Use Full Body Weight Training workouts. The split workouts bodybuilders use can work, but you'll need to spend HOURS in the gym. So, if you want results in the shortest amount of time, look for a fat loss workout routine that works the entire body. PLUS, full body workouts involve more muscles for completion... which means they burn more calories.

- Don't just do "cardio" in your aerobic zone. The cardio portion of your fat loss workout routine should be as intense as your fitness level allows. If you want to get the fat off, you are going to have to get out of your comfort zone and FORCE your body to burn fat by pushing yourself.

When you are ready to start a fat loss workout routine:

Don't just do any old workout and call it a fat loss workout routine. In my experience, most workouts claiming to burn fat are just a "bodybuilding" workout in disguise. And while bodybuilders are very successful at getting results, the average exercisers can't spend the time required to get similar results. More often than not, this is not the kind of fat loss workout routine that fits your needs, lifestyle or time restrains.

DO use a proven fat loss workout routine from a well known fitness expert. They have already tested the fat loss workout routine with real people and have gotten real results. Look for a fat loss workout routine from a trusted fitness professional or coach that has a combination of full body workouts, intense cardio and hopefully a nutrition guide as well.

Your best bet for success is using a fat loss workout routine ALREADY getting fantastic results, and that fits your goals, needs and personality. Choose a fat loss workout routine proven to get results, start doing it as instructed and don't stop until you get the fat loss results you want.

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Fat Loss

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fat Loss

Fat Loss

Are you struggling to lose weight? Do you wish there was a secret to fat loss? By now you've probably been surfing the internet looking for answer to your weight loss question for at least an hour and you are ready to read something of real I right?

You see the infomercials almost daily and you think to yourself, "If only I could see the results that these people are getting in the testimonials". You see that a middle aged man or woman has lost in excess of 30lbs. and you just wonder how it can be done.

Take a quick moment and think about all the "quick fix" solutions to weight loss out there and how they always seem to fall short of the expectations you have put on them. How much have you spent on such infomercials? Twenty, fifty,...$100?

It's actually downright insulting for these snake-oil salesmen to push their products on you! However, they are so well put together! It's really a psychological game and these companies play it so well.

So now it's time to get past all the infomercials and fad diets out there and talk about the cold, hard truth behind weight loss, abdominal reduction and fat burning. No gossip, just the science behind what we all need.

First, we need to address the important principle of structuring your workouts. In order to stimulate fat-loss, especially from your stomach, you need to stop wasting so much of your time doing worthless crunches and in the hopes of "spot-reducing" your abdominal fat.

Spot-reduction does not occur because fat loss AND weight loss occur from the body as a whole. Your body is not capable of selecting where it would like to burn fat from.

You can never lose fat from your stomach by exercising that area alone. You must do something much more capable of burning fat from the entire body and that's what we will discuss next!

Now, don't be put off by my bashing on ab exercises. I still believe ab exercises are an important addition to any workout. The point I would like you to run with is that ab exercises are great for strengthening the core area, however, they will not make you burn the most calories for your buck!

Instead, I like to concentrate on what I call the after-burn effect. You see, if you use multi-joint exercises like presses, pulls, and lunges, you will actually end up burning more fat from your belly than by using ab exercises!

I know this may be hard for you to imagine, but these types of exercises cause your body to have an increased metabolic rate for up to 72 hours after you perform them. Think about that!

If you do an intense workout consisting of these multi-joint exercises, you will reap an amazing benefit. During this 48-72 hour post exercise period your body will actually be flooded with fat-burning and muscle building hormones!

So, how do you do it? How do you accomplish this avalanche of fat-burning hormones? Easy, you use exercises like squats, lunges, deadlifts, presses, pulls, AND your favorite ab exercises together. However, your priority is placed on the exercises that are more intense and require more concentration.

This boils down to taking minimal rest periods and ignoring your gym friends' gossip. You need to be intense! Keep track of your rest times and tell your buddies to meet you for food after your amazing fat burning workout!

Second, we need to eat for fat burning. Your nutrition literally has the power to make you burn fat. Of coarse, the exact opposite is true, food can also be the cause of your fat gain just as easily. The key is to use science in your favor to determine which foods should be eaten to accomplish your fat loss.

By following the recommendations of fad diets you will actually keep yourself from burning fat. Imagine that. The very thing that all of the fad diets claim to cure, they actually aid! If you follow the advice of the low-carb diets, soup diets, amazon diets, low-fat diets, and calorie ratio diets, you will only end up gaining fat because they do not understand the science behind fat loss.

None of these fad diets address the fact that a specific hormonal balance within the body is needed in order to burn fat. If this hormonal balance is not achieved, then there's no fat burning!

When you begin to move away from the fad diets and toward a realistic fat burning program you will find that becoming leaner happens automatically. It has to become lean if your hormones are in their proper levels because hormones have the master key to this process!

So the secret to fat loss is essentially eating foods and doing activities that boost your fat burning hormones and limit your "fat adding hormones". This process is not complex and has a definite cause and effect. Remember, stay positive about your weight loss goals and take it one day at a time.

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Fat Loss

Monday, October 20, 2008

Fat Loss

Welcome to the Fat Loss Blog!

Here we will sort out once and for all HOW Fat Loss really works!

I'll be back very soon with some usefull information about Fat Loss.

Best regards,

/Phat Dad